Local Harvest

The CSA season begins!

Look at that wonderful produce, right? THAT is our first week’s haul from the farm City Commons CSA. And this is only the beginning; it’s week 1 of a 20-week growing season. Our box contained sugar snap peas, oregano, dill, mint, garlic scapes, tender young Hakurei turnips, Swiss chard, and a […]

What happened with our CSA this year

Alternative title: learn from my mistakes. This past weekend was to be the Harvest Gathering at Hauk Farms CSA. It didn’t happen. In fact, most of what I expected (and paid for) didn’t happen. In short, I got burned by a bad year with an uncommunicative farmer. You see, we were spoiled […]

Garlic scapes

There’s such a short season for garlic scapes in the spring: I look forward to them every year in my CSA box and at the farmers market. They are the shoots of the hard neck garlic plant; our farmers cut them down so that the plant produces full bulbs, rather […]

Two weekends of abundance!

Every summer I preserve the season’s bounty. I’ve just finished a huge weekend of canning, following last weekend’s canning session, and my cupboards are full. The last weekend of August found us with cucumbers and beets in abundance, and the peaches at the farmers market were just too good to pass up. So […]

Japanese cucumber salad: sunomono

This is the original post, published July 2011. A more recent post has been indexed.  This one’s the easiest cucumber salad I know, partly because if you have the right seasoned vinegar, that’s all you need: sliced cukes and vinegar. Sure, you can make it look fancy with a sprinkling […]

garlic scapes

Ideas for Garlic Scapes

Of all the vegetables from my CSA box, garlic scapes look the most like something you might find in a Dr. Seuss book. With their tall green fronds they look like ridiculously curly tulip stems, and end in long pointy shoots. These are the flower shoots of the garlic plant; […]

About our CSA – why we love it

Ask just about anyone, and they’ll agree that they want to eat better. It can be very hard, though, to overcome habits of shopping and cooking. Two years ago, we made a change in our lives to force us to change our habits: we joined the Rocky Gardens CSA. CSA stands […]