I’m still working to use up the half-bushel of green tomatoes stripped from one single row of dying vines at the farm. This recipe originates with Marisa McClellan’s splendid book Food in Jars I wanted to avoid the hour-and-a-half of stirring, while the mixture reduced, so I decided to try out a slightly different version in my slow cooker with a larger batch. It takes time, but it works, and was effortless.
What’s a chutney?
Chutney is a spicy or savory condiment, with origins in India. The word is now applied to nearly anything preserved in sugar and vinegar. Green tomato chutney is a great way to use up those last fruits on the vine just before a frost will kill them all.
How to use chutney
Green tomato chutney is made to go with something. I find it’s good with cheese, or a charcuterie board, and it’s excellent with meatloaf or a roast: pork, chicken, beef, or especially lamb. Try some with cream cheese, or whiz it in a food processor with Greek yogurt for a tasty dip. Puree it, and you’ll have green tomato ketchup!
load and go
Put the tomatoes, onions, vinegar, and sugar into a large crockpot, and stir to combine. Take cloves, and put them in a spice bag or tea ball; you’ll want to retrieve them later. Add them to the mixture in the crockpot along with the ginger, cinnamon sticks, star anise, and red chili flakes.
Cover and cook for an hour on HIGH, then prop the lid open (I rested mine on two chopsticks placed crosswise) and turn to LOW. Let the chutney cook until it has reduced at least by half, or if you prefer it thicker, to your desired state.
can in a waterbath when complete
Mine took 24 hours to become a thick, dark brown jammy substance. When it’s to your liking, remove the cinnamon sticks, star-anise bits, and the cloves.
Fill suitably prepped jars, wipe rims, apply lids and bands. Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

Green Tomato Chutney
- 8 cups chopped green tomatoes
- 1½ cups chopped onion
- 1⅓ cup white vinegar
- 2 cups brown sugar
- 1 scant tbsp ground ginger
- 1 scant tsp whole cloves
- 4 sticks cinnamon
- 4 pieces star anise
- ½ tsp dried red chili flakes
- Put the tomatoes, onions, vinegar, and sugar into a large crockpot, and stir to combine. Take cloves, and put them in a spice bag or tea ball; you’ll want to retrieve them later. Add them to the mixture in the crockpot along with the ginger, cinnamon sticks, star anise, and red chili flakes.
- Cover and cook for an hour on HIGH, then prop the lid open (I rested mine on two chopsticks placed crosswise) and turn to LOW. Let the chutney cook until it has reduced at least by half, or if you prefer it thicker, to your desired state.
- Mine took 24 hours to become a thick, dark brown jammy substance. When it’s to your liking, remove the cinnamon sticks, star-anise bits, and the cloves.
- Fill suitably prepped jars, wipe rims, apply lids and bands. Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.