CSA week 4 2020 0529

CSA week 4: spinach & other greens

Today we fetched our goodies from the farm. In CSA week 4 2020, our box gives us a double-sized bowl of spinach! It’s all green this week, typical for early season stuff. There’s asparagus, as well – we’re certainly not tired of asparagus yet!

When you join a CSA, your kitchen life changes. Take meal planning, for example: instead of plotting out what you’ll cook in the coming week, and going to the store to get the ingredients, it’s all reversed. You bring home a box of stuff. Sometimes you don’t even see it before you’re unloading it in your kitchen. Then you find out what ingredients you have to use in the coming week! It’s a little like a “Chopped” style mystery box every time.

CSA week 4 2020 0529Our share for CSA week 4 includes:

  • asparagus
  • green onions
  • lots of spinach
  • sturdy greens for braising
  • cilantro
  • parsley

I’ve brought the beautiful green stuff home, unpacked it, snapped a photo, then washed and stored the produce. All the while, I’m thinking about what I might cook with this. I’m glad that I can take my time, though I make a point to use at least some of this bounty the day I bring it home. My ideas for this week include (and yes, some of these I’ve listed before, but I didn’t cook them yet!)



green onions

other thoughts

The parsley will be used in various ways throughout the week. A simple gremolata – minced parsley, minced garlic, and grated fresh lemon peel – is a terrific garnish to all sorts of things, certainly including plain roasted asparagus. (As if roasted asparagus is ever plain. I love asparagus.) Cilantro is not my personal favorite, but people in the family like it a lot as a garnish for ramen and noodles. I confess that the sturdy greens for braising may be a challenge. Readers, if you braise greens, leave me a comment, let me know how you like them best. Thanks.