CSA 2022 week 18 distribution

CSA 2022 week 18: chard, beans, tomatoes

We had a bit of cooler weather last week – by which I mean it wasn’t in the 90s every day, with 95% humidity. That’s a relief. This week, CSA 2022 week 18 brings us summer produce and just a hint of fall to come. We have cucumbers, eggplant, and tomatoes, but also chard and squash. I suppose that hot summer can’t last forever.

Our farmers at Beaverland Farms have filled our box with more good stuff this week. There are two kinds of eggplant! White eggplant is the original color; it’s how the stuff got named. It tastes like the purple kind.

This week’s box brings us:

  • CSA 2022 week 18 distributioncucumbers
  • white eggplant
  • slender purple eggplant
  • tomatoes
  • yellow summer squash
  • spicy salad mix
  • cherry tomatoes
  • green beans
  • basil
  • Swiss chard


I think about how I might use all this good stuff while I’m washing and trimming it. Looks like CSA 2022 week 18 will bring us salads and also some oven cooking: it won’t be too hot!

Follow the season with me, and I’ll show off my CSA box of the week, including ideas of how I might use all the good stuff. Feel free to chime in with comments or questions.