
CSA week 4 2018 0623
CSA 2018, Local Harvest

CSA week 4

Most of the last week has been hot and sticky, so my prediction was correct: no more peas, because peas hate the heat. In CSA week 4, the greens are shifting, too, away from the tender early spring cool weather types, to the more robust (and tough, sometimes bitter) greens. […]

garlic scapes
Local Harvest

Using Garlic Scapes

I promised to make a post about using garlic scapes. To me, they’re one of spring’s best treats! They’re mild and almost sweet. Raw, they’re as crunchy as green beans; cooked, they become tender. You may already know that garlic scapes are the long stalks and flower bud of the […]

CSA week 3 0616
CSA 2018, Local Harvest

CSA week 3

We’ve had warmer weather this past week – great for summer crops, but not so good for those that prefer cool spring weather. CSA week 3 gives us peas in the shell today! I’m fairly certain this is the end of the short season; peas hate the heat. (Maybe I am […]

CSA week 2
CSA 2018, Local Harvest

CSA week 2

Well, well, well! It’s CSA week 2, and today’s box brings us greens – 3 kinds of lettuce and kale – but also radishes, broccoli, potatoes, onion, and, surprise, strawberries! Those berries are an unexpected treat. While the last part of May was sunny and warm, the temperatures have become […]

CSA 2018 wk1 0602
CSA 2018, Local Harvest

2018 CSA Season Begins

Here in SE Michigan, we’ve just begun the season for local produce. Think that’s late? Where I live, the frost free date is May 29 – so I count myself lucky to get a basket of produce in early June. We participate in a CSA from Van Houtte Farms in Armada, […]

Mushroom tart 1200
Recipes, Pies & Tarts, Vegetarian

Mushroom Tart

Here in SE Michigan, Spring is an iffy season. One day the temperatures will hit the 80s, and the next, will sulk somewhere in the 50s. Springtime is hot and cold and wet and dry and we get all kinds of weather. This makes meal planning a challenge. Will we want something hot or cool? Light or hearty? […]

Spanish Bar Cake
Recipes, Cakes

Spanish Bar Cake

I grew up in Michigan, and my mom was an A&P shopper. Sure, there were other grocery stores in town, but it was the A&P for staples. Every so often a little treat would find its way home in the grocery bags, and my favorite was a little snack cake […]

Simplest Rhubarb compote
Recipes, Desserts, Sauces & Condiments

Simplest Rhubarb Compote

Today I made the simplest rhubarb compote. Winter has been hanging on forever. It seems like it’s January 115th, rather than more than halfway through April. Some of the plants know that springtime is almost here – there are buds, some flowers are pushing up their stalks – but we […]

english muffins cooling
Recipes, Bread, Pantry Cooking

Overnight English Muffins

Why did “pantry cooking” ever become associated with deprivation? There are lots of wonderful foods you can make from simple pantry ingredients: these overnight English muffins are a fine example. They are not only easy (stir, let rise, stir, cook) but they use only flour, yeast, salt, water, and a bit […]

sausage hash on plate
Recipes, Main Dishes

Provençal Sausage Hash with Tomatoes

Hash is an old-fashioned dish. You can make hash from leftover roast of any kind, and cooks like my grandmother never needed a recipe: just cook onions, potatoes, leftover meat in a pan, moisten with gravy, milk, or cream, season, and ta-da! dinner. So what’s Provençal sausage hash? It’s hash, […]

quick and easy blueberry muffins
Recipes, Bread

Quick and Easy Blueberry Muffins

This week, I found blueberries in the grocery store. Plump, glossy, beautiful blueberries, on sale! Of course I bought them. Without any hesitation at all, I pulled out butter, eggs, and flour, to make quick and easy blueberry muffins. When you live in an area that has distinct seasons, as I do, there […]

dill pickle soup
Recipes, Soups & Stews

Dill Pickle Soup

While it hasn’t been an especially cold winter, so far, it’s often been dank and grey. In my kitchen, the best remedy for the winter blahs is a pot of soup. Recently I experimented with a Polish dill pickle soup – and found a new family favorite. What a winner! […]